Fashion designer Masaba Gupta has joyously announced the name of her daughter, Matara. This heartfelt revelation comes three months after she and her husband Satyadeep Mishra welcomed their little girl. Masaba and Satyadeep married on 27 January 2023 and welcomed their daughter on 11 October 2024.
Masaba Gupta reveals daughter’s name as Matara
In her touching social media post, Masaba Gupta shared, “3 months with my Matara! The name embodies the divine feminine energies of 9 Hindu goddesses, celebrating their strength and wisdom. She is the star of our eyes.”
The name Matara not only showcases Masaba’s deep appreciation for her cultural roots but also symbolizes the powerful essence of femininity that she embodies through her work. The connection to the nine Hindu goddesses, known as Navadurga, represents various virtues such as courage, wisdom, and compassion—qualities Masaba hopes to inspire in her daughter as she grows.
Masaba-Satyadeep welcome first child
Masaba Gupta and Satyadeep Misra welcomed a baby girl last year. Announcing the news on Instragram, the couple shared a joint post showing the newborn’s tiny feet. The post read, “Our very special little girl arrived on a very special day.” Mentioning the date, the actor wrote, “Masaba and Satyadeep.”
Neena Gupta, who is a proud grandmother now, shared daughter Masaba’s first reaction after her daughter’s birth with NDTV.  The film veteran told NDTV that her daughter always wished to have a baby girl. “Masaba wanted a girl. The first thing she said was ‘Thank God’. She can use all my bags and jewellery.”  Sharing the joy, Neena Gupta told, “It’s still sinking in. I don’t know about becoming a grandmother but I know a new member has come. And, I am taking care of my daughter. I told Masaba, ‘You take care of your daughter, I’ll take care of you.”‘
About Masaba Gupta
As the daughter of veteran actress Neena Gupta and former cricketer Vivian Richards, Masaba has openly shared her journey as a woman in the fashion industry. Her path has been defined by resilience and creativity. She aims to instil these values in Matara throughout her upbringing. Beyond her milestones, Masaba Gupta continues to excel professionally. Renowned for her vibrant designs and distinctive prints, she has made significant contributions to the fashion industry, establishing her label as a household name. Her recent endeavours include the popular web series Masaba Masaba. It highlights her professional journey and illustrates her transition into motherhood.